Psycho-Spiritual-Physical Science behind Vipassana Meditation and its Benefits to Different Categories of People
Psycho-Spiritual-Physical Science behind Vipassana Meditation and its Benefits to Different Categories of People In my earlier note, I...
Nada Yoga - Spiritual Aspect
Earlier we have seen Nada Yoga from the point of view of medical science. In this note we will see the spiritual aspect of Nada Yoga....
Weather of a Human Being
We all know about the weather on Earth. Similarly there is also 'Weather of a Human Being'. This may sound odd. But it is true.
Weather - Spiritual Science
There is still vast ignorance about the root causes of changes in weather on earth. Spiritual Science as per Sri Anand Yoga explains how.
Heart Spiritual
Our heart's skewness towards left causes 'seasons' of our body and mood just like the seasons of the Earth caused by iilt by 23.5 degrees.
Breath in Ancient Scriptures
Spiritual Science of Breath Breath in Ancient Scriptures Breath is given immense importance in ancient Indian scriptures. We give below...
Spiritual Science of Pranayama
Cosmic Breath is the original impulse which begins, sustains and completes all evolution. It is verily the dance of creation itself.
Spiritual Science behind Sri Anand Yoga
Science of Spirituality deals with the systematic study of higher dimensions of life through the process of observation and analysis ......