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5 min read
Mind Over Matter? It's More Like Breath Over Mind: How Breathing Shapes Your ThinkingÂ
Mind Over Matter? It's More Like Breath Over Mind: How Breathing Shapes Your Thinking Breathe Deep, Think Clear: The Surprising Link...

5 min read
Anastasis - The Dance of Death and Rebirth: Unveiling the Cellular Phoenix Within
Anastasis - The Dance of Death and Rebirth: Unveiling the Cellular Phoenix Within Sri Anand Yoga with its philosophy centered on...

6 min read
Cell Suicide for Healthy Living - Apoptosis
Cell Apoptosis is a peculiar characteristic of a cell life cycle which is commonly understood as ‘Cell Suicide’. Actually I feel it is a...

5 min read
Weaponising Viruses to fight Diseases
Weaponising Viruses to fight Diseases Yes. Human ingenuity has no bounds. While viruses are our number one enemy, the scientists have...

6 min read
Unlocking the Power of Resonance Frequency Breathing: A Guide to Harmony and Well-being
Unlocking the Power of Resonance Frequency Breathing: A Guide to Harmony and Well-being Resonance breathing is a specific breathing...

7 min read
Cellular Rhythms - Unveiling the Symphony Within: An Adventure to Supercharge Your Health
Cellular Rhythms - Unveiling the Symphony Within: An Adventure to Supercharge Your Health As a foundation for this discussion, it is...

10 min read
Cellular Resilience: A Path to Long and Healthy Life
Cellular Resilience: A Path to Long and Healthy Life Cellular Resilience is Cellular Toughness. It is the capacity of our biological...

5 min read
Nada Yoga - Medical Science From Yogic Point of View
Sri Anand Yoga is intrinsically related to the sharpening of our senses and thereby increasing our depth of grasping the reality around...

5 min read
Hormesis - Biology redefined - Getting Stronger from Adversity
Hormesis - Biology redefined - Getting Stronger from Adversity Sri Anand Yoga Hormesis Hormesis is a biological phenomenon which has...

3 min read
Biological Age - a paradigm shift in measurement of Age
Biological Age - a paradigm shift in measurement of Age We have so far been accustomed to using our chronological age as an indicator of...

4 min read
Death - Unresolved puzzle of a hazy zone between life and death
Death seems to be a final full stop to our life on Earth. But scientists are not sure when and where to put this full stop.

3 min read
What is living? - an unresolved paradox of Science
It is rather odd that while whole foundation of what we call life science is based on ‘life’ we do not exactly have its clear definition.

5 min read
Our Commando Force - Immune System
Our immune system plays a very crucial role in our health. Living in a sterile environment may be bad for robustness of our immune system.

3 min read
Heart the Emperor of Worlds
Heart the Emperor of Worlds Heart is truly the emperor of worlds. It has a very important role in the emotional as well as physical well...

4 min read
Wonder Element - Enzymes
Wonder Element - Enzymes In the crucial life sustaining process of our body, enzymes play a very important role. It is a sort of ‘Change...

2 min read
Science of Breathing
Science of Breathing ​ Following is the aspect of breathing as per medical science. Any life on earth is intrinsically connected with...

3 min read
Our Living Planet Earth
Our Living Planet Earth Our Earth is a living planet. As per the Gaia hypothesis living organisms interact with their inorganic...

3 min read
Rhythms of the Cells, Earth and Universe
Rhythms of the Cells, Earth and Universe Every single cell (hair cells and skin to our muscles and even kidneys) in our body is having...

2 min read
Tune in with the Dance of Life
Every living organism in the universe is having its own biological rhythm. Our planet Earth is also having her own rhythm defined by,...

2 min read
Bust the Ghost .... of Ageing
Bust the Ghost .... of Ageing As a result of improvement in public health and advances in medical science, the life expectancy on a...
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